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LOT 78 [Free Masonry] (Anderson, James) The Constitutions of the Fr...

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Freeman’s Auction

Books and Manuscripts

Freeman’s Auction




Translation provided by Youdao



[Free Masonry] (Anderson, James) The Constitutions of the Free-Masons. Containing the History, , Regulations, &c. of that most Ancient and Right Worful Fraternity. For the Use of the LodgesOne of the Earliest Printed Books on FreemasonryLondon: Printed by William Hunter, for John Senex and John Hooke, 1723. First edition. Square 8vo. (viii), 91, (1) (ads) pp, including half-title. Illustrated with an engraved frontispiece by John Pine, and six-pages of printed musical scores. Contemporary paneled brown speckled calf, stamped in blind and in gilt, front and rear boards separated but holding; all edges trimmed; scattered minor soiling and spotting to text; armorial book-plate of Sir Darcy Lever Esquire (d. 1743), High Sheriff of Lancashire, England; in blue cloth fall-down-back box. Vibert 1, p. 13, "Perfect copies with the half-title are very rare."; ESTC T86287A rare andplete copy of the second book ever printed on freemasonry. Anderson's influential text was published only six years following the establishment of the first Grand Lodge in England, and is preceded only by the extremely rare Old Constitutions, published by J. Roberts in 1722 (ESTC locates only three copies). This edition became the standard work of reference for freemasonry until the end of the Victorian era, and went through 24 editions between 1723-1897. It is divided into three sections: a history of freemasonry, to which all freemasons are to adhere, and regulations governing masonic lodges.



Philadelphia, PA, US

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  • 0 ~ 300,00030.0%
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  • 3,000,001 ~ Unlimitation17.0%

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